Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Fresher Mind

I got a good night's sleep last night, and recovered from the angry lump in my throat (which I received during the day from a few difficult students), and so now I am posting anew.

Before I begin, a point to note on the last post is that I didn't intend the word 'stuffed' to indicate that I was stuffed because Chrystal was pregnant (after re-reading that, I realised how it sounded and was annoyed, because I would never be that crass about something so important). I simply and purely meant that I was absolutely fragged, and thus didn't even notice the possible insinuation.

So yes! I will be a father, beginning from around about the date of December 8th. I can't believe it yet - it is such a difficult concept to get my head around. I think it sinks in through stages: first you start trying, and you go "Hmmm..."; then you find out that it has happened, and you go "Oh!"; then you start telling other people and you go "Hang on...."; and then the next step will be when Chrystal starts showing and the baby starts kicking, and then I'll be like "Oh my goodness...". When the bub's actually born I think I probably be speechless, jaw dropped. I'm not sure you can even begin to verbalise the thought process, if there is one.

In other stuff, I started teaching at Plenty Valley the Monday before last, and it is going very, very well. My Year 8's are beautiful - we're doing What's Eating Gilbert Grape at the moment, which they love, and they also love hearing my stories of the last place I used to work (ie. the Special School). I'm teaching them a heap, not just about studying film, but about disability, autism and intillectual disorders. I hope to be able to show them that people who are different from them, maybe a little bit slower, can still be amazing people.

My Year 10's are fantastic. My little sister is in this class, and she is a gem, and all her friends are wonderful. Either because of her, or because these guys are maturing a little more, I have a really good relationship with most of the people on this year (I also have a Year 10 home group). I value them as people and want them to succeed, and they in turn value me as a teacher and give me the respect I need to be able to run a good class.

My Year 9's are a little different. One class, who I only have for one period a week, are difficult to manage. They are the ones who rattled my cage yesterday afternoon. I rattled their cage back >:), and they can expect a heck of a lot more where that came from. I plan to walk into that class a very angry teacher, and dare them to give me schtick.
Anyway, my other Year 9 class is coming along. Apparently this class has been trouble all the way from Year 7, but them and I have struck a happy bargain. I put into practice the theory of 'negotiated curriculum', where I sat down with them, discussed what we needed to cover for the rest of the year, and then negotiated with them what they woul like to do more of, less of and other things that they want to do altogether. They responded really well to this, and it was great for me to be able to give them some power in terms of what they learn during the year. Then I told them the flip side of this though, and said that if they continued to give me grief, then I would pull out my grammar books and we would sit there in silence for the rest of the year doing exercises. You could've heard a pin drop. So I'm excited to see how this pans out.

So, at the moment I have my Year 9 exams to mark, plus Year 9 Christian Ed and Year 8 English assignments. Should have it done very soon, and then I can enjoy my holidays!


At 5:30 pm, May 30, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I'm so happy for you dboy. I know know that you are an incredible teacher! Youh ave so much passion for things and such a great repoir (spelling?!) with people in general. You're amazing! I'm glad it's going well so far. And you will be the best daddy! :)

At 11:27 pm, May 30, 2006, Blogger Dboy said...

Thanks so much Megan :')

At 11:47 pm, May 30, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

You rock!

At 9:17 am, May 31, 2006, Blogger Martin Boutros said...

I'm waiting for the newspaper headline --- "Evil Overlord trades mighty dominion for domestic bliss and marking year nine english papers"

I'm picturing you, with high winged dark cloak, emperial armed thugs at attention, and long piercing metallic nails, bubs on shoulder sucking a dummy, whilst viciously jabbing red comments onto poorly written essays."Good work Jason, try to use punctuation!"

Do you think you will reveal your true identity and power to a misbehaving class, using force lightening to smite them, and then casting them hence into an outer rim prison planet where there will be an mighty gnashing of teetheth and wailing?

At least you will have an heir to the empire!

At 9:26 am, May 31, 2006, Blogger Brie said...

hmmm i don't think i've said congrats yet... so congratulations :P

oh and lucky you... having year 9s i mean, year 11s are definitely much better :D

At 1:04 pm, May 31, 2006, Blogger don't call me MA'AM said...

Ack! I had to stop reading this post and scroll down. Somehow, I missed the whole pregnant thing.


And are year 9's the 13-14 year old range? If that's the case, they were my least favorite to teach. BUT... it sounds like you're doing a great job of empowering them with choices. :-)

At 12:15 am, June 03, 2006, Blogger Zebe said...

aha yes let US choose the babys name!!


but sounds like you got a good school..
hell, that wouldnt happen at any schools down here..

At 9:24 am, June 03, 2006, Blogger Martin Boutros said...

What about Red?

Or simon?

or Snomys? ... the famous palindrome

At 1:33 pm, June 03, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

or Rasputin?

At 7:58 pm, June 03, 2006, Blogger Dboy said...

And what Homer says, goes :)

I like Larry. Then I can say "Happy as Larry", and everyone will know what I mean.

Harper? Not sure. Sounds like a cult. Hmmm, actually, it is a cult, from Dungeons and Dragons.

Palindromes can suck The Butt, if you know what I mean - and if my kid ends up being anything like Red, well, I don't even wanna think about that O.o

Rasputin! Gold!

At 5:23 pm, June 05, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Do I win?

At 10:06 am, June 06, 2006, Blogger Dboy said...

You win... if you believe you win.

What do you reckon for a middle name? Or maybe two?

At 11:12 pm, June 06, 2006, Blogger Zebe said...

lol, long story, but its decided that if mitch and i have a son, its name will be larry.
and Harper is the name of my niece

At 11:13 pm, June 06, 2006, Blogger Zebe said...

[and i mean llooooonnnnggggggg story]

At 12:10 am, June 07, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I'm MEO.

At 9:36 am, June 07, 2006, Blogger Dboy said...

Haha... EGGN - Like
"Hey guys! Let's go EGGN stuff tonight?!"
"Yeah! And then we can eat pancakes!"
"Yeah, and then we can eat PAMcakes!"

Yeah, I think you get my drift.

Tink, I think you need to have an extra last name that begins with 'W'.

Cray-Z! Just because a story is long, doesn't mean that you shouldn't tell it! Can you post it or something? There you go: post-worthy blog material :)

At 10:30 am, June 07, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

That's something new for us! :)

At 6:12 pm, June 08, 2006, Blogger Zebe said...

no... its mor ethe fact i cant be bothered..
[yet i can be bothered to argue about jjj? i dont get it either]

At 10:47 pm, June 10, 2006, Blogger Zebe said...

i may have heard of the three stooges.. but i dont actually know who they are or what they do.
so that options out.
and plus its funnier for me to hear peoples warped versions than to tell my own :D

At 5:05 pm, June 11, 2006, Blogger iggi said...

Name suggestions.(first name then middle name)

Rumplemuffin Jacooa
Timothy Tambo
Kjac Astan
Curca Stanly
Mark John
Perth L
Sam Jesuis
Dboy Chrystal the second

At 2:27 pm, June 14, 2006, Blogger Mutt said...

For once I'm going to agree with Cap@, if he's talking about the pun Dboy was talking about. But I probably don't want to know.

Also, if I had a boy, I'd call him Gilliam. And if it were a girl, I'd call her Shyicambre.

At 4:01 pm, June 15, 2006, Blogger Dboy said...

Why not? As I always say, "Why not?"

Dboy Chrystal the Second? Nice. But was there a first?

KK>> And that's why you are not naming my child...

I should name my kid 'Disneyland' by Puffin's sister's theory...

At 4:24 pm, June 15, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Moon unit?

There is a great article this week in teh Heidelberg Weekly magazine the local council puts out about naming children and how parents go nuts and give their kids crazy names that haunt them forever.

At 4:30 pm, June 18, 2006, Blogger Red said...

Wow... I don't know you, but congrats on the exciting developments and whatnot. A fellow teacher here, of special needs kids, incidentally.

At 1:21 pm, June 20, 2006, Blogger Zebe said...

lol, like 'Ear' tink?

At 10:55 am, June 21, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Oooo, I hope not!

At 12:49 pm, June 27, 2006, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Hear hear! Here here! Which one is it?

At 10:14 pm, June 28, 2006, Blogger Dboy said...

I think it's 'Hear hear'. Like you're calling other people to hear what the other guy said. I think. The other 'here' don't make much sense to me :S

Thanks, Red :) Where do you teach? Aren't those kids amazing? They make you wanna scream sometimes, then other they make you smile on the inside and the outside with joy.


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