Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dumb Jokes!

Hey, I know I haven't been about for a bit, but life is kind've taking priority at the moment: lesson plans + applying for jobs + everything else I normally do = a stressed and busy Danny (that's about as good as maths as I ever plan to get).

I had to start this thread though, because of a conversation Kohl and I had at school today.

I love dumb jokes! For some reason, dumb jokes are even funnier than jokes that are really funny. This has to be my favourite of all time:

Q: What's purple and hums?
A: An electric plum!

Here's another one:

Q: Why did the kid fall off his bike?
A: Cos someone threw a fridge at him!

AARRGGHAHAHAHA! You guys got any more?


At 11:43 pm, October 18, 2005, Blogger Mutt said...

This one is harsh, but my favourite:

A new father goes into the delivery room to see his newborn baby boy. The doctor pulls him aside and says " I have the most amazing news. Your boy can fly". The doctor sees the doubt in the fathers eyes so he offers a demonstration. He picks up the little boy, holds him high in the air and then lets go. The baby falls to the floor with a loud thump.

"You son of a bitch" says the new father, ready to kill the doctor. " Wait, something must be wrong. He flew this morning. Let me try again". He flings the boy across the room and he slams against the wall and slides down to the floor.

"Oh my god, I am going to kill you" says the father as he is running towards the baffeled doctor. "No no wait, I know what I did wrong. I promise it will work this time". He opens the window and tosses the kid out. The kid of course falls 7 stories and leaves a mess on the sidewalk below. By this time the father is choking the doctor. With his last breath the doctor says " I was just messing with you. Your son was born dead."

At 11:44 pm, October 18, 2005, Blogger Mutt said...

sorry about the swearing

At 1:33 pm, October 19, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I think some dumb jokes are awesome. I've heard that one before KK, and it's just plain wrong! Here's a joke from me!

Why are there so many Johnsons in the phone book?

They all have phones!

At 5:52 pm, October 19, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Hehehe... good ones guys!

hehehe... they all have phones.

At 6:49 pm, October 19, 2005, Blogger Brie said...

Whats big white and falls out of palmtrees?
A Refridgerator

At 6:50 pm, October 19, 2005, Blogger Brie said...

and another one...
what did the policeman say to the boy who ran away with the circus?
Bring it back!

At 8:08 pm, October 19, 2005, Blogger Brie said...

did you ever have the dead baby jokes going around? 'cos my mum did and i started hearing them not too long ago. I spose jokes just go round (and round and round and round)*falls over in dizzy heap*

At 1:37 pm, October 20, 2005, Blogger Mutt said...

I just realised I made myself seem like a fool, posted an actual joke, as opposed to a 'Dumb' joke. Ah well, I thought it was funny.

At 4:33 pm, October 20, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Hehehe, good ones, aimless.

Got any Dad jokes you can think of Chicken?

At 8:49 pm, October 20, 2005, Blogger Brie said...

never heard of dead baby jokes?! they're the sick ones like how do you find a live baby in a pile of dead ones?
With a pitchfork
or What's the difference between a ford and a pile of dead babies?
I don't have a ford in my garage

At 11:56 pm, October 20, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Those ones are jsut wrong.. but kinda funny too! :)

I love lame jokes that are so lame they're funny!

At 1:09 pm, October 21, 2005, Blogger Brie said...

there are some really sick ones, i can't believe you havent heard them, there are heaps! type dead baby jokes into google and you'll find whole websites dedicated to them

At 1:46 pm, October 21, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Carrots - that's where I post.

At 9:39 pm, October 21, 2005, Blogger Brie said...

heheh, yeah maths

At 11:59 pm, October 21, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Maths is awesome. I got bored in a class the other day and started plotting hyperboles. Does that make me weird?

At 3:07 pm, October 23, 2005, Blogger Luke said...

Dumb jokes ae just as their name suggests. Awesome.

At 11:25 am, October 24, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

HAHA!!!! I love it!

What did the orange say to the apple?

Nothing. Oranges don't talk silly.

At 2:14 pm, October 24, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

This changes my whole world!
*jumps out the window*

At 6:26 pm, October 24, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...


*does an African mourning dance*

At 3:52 pm, October 26, 2005, Blogger Luke said...

"A famous philosopher once said if a tree fell in the forest and nobody was around to hear it, would it make a sound. I guess that depends on two things. If anyone was around to hear the tree falling, or if anyone was around the philosopher to hear the question in the first place."

At 5:25 pm, October 27, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Yeah, I think that's the joke, is it not?

The man is never wrong - that's what any woman will tell anyone.

At 7:56 pm, November 01, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Hahaha... I got the joke, but subverted it :)


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