Thursday, June 30, 2005

Yondike Cult Part 2

Verily verily I say unto thee, there are schemers among thee that seek to cripple thy faith. These defilers have been striking against the very thing that gives thee thy strength: belief in my nonmnipresent existence.

Yea, there is a very good reason why I am sometimes here, sometimes there and somehaps not. It is not for the believer that I am sometimes unapparent, it is for the free will of all, for if I was to be so blatantly real that not one of thee could doubt my reality, then I have taken away the choice of faith or nonfaith.

Thus is the reason why I must be gone for the days of some upcoming time. It is not for anyone to know the time or date (unless I just sent you an email telling you), but, yea, I must go thither to yonder land known only as 'Geelong'. And, at the pinpointed location of 'Grandmother's Place', I shall abide for a time. At this place, it is unknown by me (who chooses not to know, for such purposes as fun and surprise, yet I could readily know if it were my choosing) whether I shall have access to the sweet lines that give us our connection, or, as some more crass have named it, the "internet".

Yea, verily verily, yea! I greet you all with bruscuits and a smirk!


At 5:07 pm, June 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you come the raw prawn of the 'Babel Fish' arguement to excuse your non appearances.

Babel fish is so improbabble it must have been created
therefore there is a God
Therefore faith is not required
But Belief requires fath
therefore God doesn't exist

I think you are more like the False God Baal in the old testament who couldn't call down fire from heaven, because he wasn't there. " He's on the toilet" as Elijah so elequently put it.

I do like your use of the word: " THITHER". It's a much underused word, and it does lend a certain mythic charm and veridity to your position.

If you can use: " CLEFT ASUNDER" or " CLOVEN IN TWAIN" or even "GIRT BY SEA" in your posts I maaaaay begin to belive!

At 10:23 am, July 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got an email, does that mean i'm one of the chosen ones!?

I'd also just like to put in that it's the most revered dboy's mighty super dooper (ooooo yeah, haven't used that word for some 14yrs or so), b'day on the 11th. It's meant to be the time that his phenomenal cosmic powers are at their height. He shell walk among us once again as a mortal.
Thats when we can capture him and stick probs in him to see how he works! Yes! I shell have the answers that i seek. My time is nigh!

At 2:46 pm, July 04, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

HI! Just sropping in to say that I still a member of this yondike cult which was apparently my idea. I will take any credit I can get. Everyone pay attention to me!

*Does meaningless shocking things for anntention*

At 9:01 pm, July 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'sropping' can be very painful if not seen to in time, Tink. I hate to think you are 'sropping' around Tassie without getting some medical 'anntention'

Did you notice how fleeting was Dboy's presence?

When are you coming home?

At 11:19 am, July 06, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Yes yes yes, Megan doesn't pay much attention to her spelling.

I'm coming home on Monday. Yay! Well I catch the boat Monday night, so I'll be back in good ol' Melbourne very early on Tuesday morning.

At 7:21 pm, July 06, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

I am paying anntention to my speling? What's wrong.

I'm back nowe, you know, in the swign of thigns, butsing chopps.

Cleft Asunderr.

At 5:15 pm, July 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you ARE paying annnatention, D-Boy... You CANT use Cleft Asunder like, just at the end of a sentence. You've GOT to weave it in... else you'll end up a total sropper.

Hey, saw Batman today with the lads. What did you think? Grace versus Justice? were the League of Shadows right? Can evil become beyond redemption? Was Brucey boy just an angry idealist fighting the unwinable war? Or is the a metaphor for grace?

Or maybe it was just a big budget action flick?!


At 2:14 pm, July 12, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I haven't seen it yet! I'd like to though.

At 10:01 am, July 13, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Oh boy, that movie is the bees knees. BATMAN BATMAN BATMAN!!!
One thing that's great about it is that it isn't just for Batman lovers, but is a great movie in its own right. I'd say it was epic.

Hmmm... grace versus justice. That's a difficult one, hey? Do we refer to Jesus' response to Peter (I think it was Peter, can't remember): "How many times should we forgive someone? Seven times?"
It's a tough one though - what if forgiving someone means that their just going to hurt you again? Or, in Batman Begin's case, go around selling drugs and killing people? Surely there has to be an element of safety involved.

Whaddaya reckon, Revy?

Girt by sea!

At 10:57 am, July 26, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

What is the go here? I asked you a question, like, years ago, revhead!


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