Monday, August 15, 2005

Kohl's Kritique :)

I'll give you the honour of having the content of this post, Kohl. As a bit of background, I was asked to give a talk on loneliness at church last Sunday, and it was something that I could (and did) relate personally to. This is what Kohl had to say:

I've never heard you so serious. Maybe that just shows that I don't know you well enough.
But it was truly great. I saw it really hit home for many people, everyone was so attentive. Fergus just before had said how he was struggling with lonlyness, but you didn't just address the problem, explained the symptoms and encouraged self diagnoses with personal experiences (kudos for you for sharing btw) but you gave helpful hints for fixing the problems, both practical and spiritual
not that spiritual isn't practical... :P

As far as personal relevance goes, I believe you said that everyone struggles with lonelyness. Even Tink said on her blog recently "I'd be shocked if I could find someone who hadn't struggled with loneliness at some point in their life."
Not saying this purely to try and be better than you, or to be different, I seriously cannot think of a time when I have been lonely. There have been times when I've been bored, there have been times when I needed to ask someone a question but there had been no one, but they are hardly lonelyness. It probably has something to do with me being an introvert, and always being around my brother. I have a really close knit family and extended family and there has always been someone around, more often than not, someone around even when I didn't want them around. I can't recall ever feeling lonely at all, I suppose I struggle with the other extreme, I'm always trying to avoid people... but that's a different issue.

But I assume I'm a minority, I usually am. Like I said, I personally saw it hit home to many people. There was maybe one or two people who weren't listening avidly, and that's rare. Especially since one of those people was a baby.


At 8:49 pm, August 15, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

I'll make my response here:

Thanks pal - I had to really rely on God with this one. Funny thing is, I really wanted it to be a powerful thing, but I came to the point where I had to ask myself 'Why do I want it to be powerful?'. I actually came up with an answer that was a bit confronting: I wanted it to be good because I wanted to be liked and accepted by people, and I didn't want people to think I was an idiot. Wow. I had to offer it up to the Big Guy and ask Him to change my motivation for doing the talk - and He did, and I was so happy He did. It's a hard thing to do, to assess your own motivations for doing something.

A small correction :) I said that "the problem of loneliness in our society is huge", rather than "everybody struggles with it". I don't think it would be wise of me to make that assumption :) I'm also very glad to hear that it isn't something that you struggle with personally. For me, I had (and have) a beautiful, close-knit family who loved me and always told me I was "great" (my Dad's favourite word), and I also had some very good close friends, and a stack of 'middle-range' friends (I was never in need of friends, thank God). I find it amazing that I could be so satisfied and nurtured by people in that way, but still be so lonely. I guess for me it was a feeling of being unloved and unworthy of a relationship with the opposite sex.

Thanks so much for your comments, pal. Anyone else have any thoughts, or experiences on the night?

At 9:55 pm, August 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kohl's Kritique!?! *faints*

At 10:02 pm, August 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that I think about it, I do think that's what you said "loneliness in our society is huge", I remember thinking you implied it to some extent somewhere abouts

Crap, yeah... lonliness amongst friends and family. You're right, my reasons for not being lonely were insifficient as you clearly explained.

Now i'll make some corrections to your post

Aaaaah... yeah, no.

At 10:17 pm, August 15, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

*shakes fist angrily at blog spammer*

Silly me didn't look at this post before I commented on the last one, so I put all my comments there. I'll reiterate some of it.

That's amazing kohl. I think that reflects the incredible nature of your family.

I must agree with some of your reflections about getting up to talk Danny. I had the same kind of stuff going on for me as far as the music stuff was concerned. I really had to give it to God and ask Him to remind me that it was about Him, and about helping people to connect with/think about the topic. I was trying not to make it about me getting up and performing. I wanted people to think it was great and like me and accept me, but then a part of me hates that I want that, and wants it to be all about others and about God. It's an issue I really struggle with. Nice to know you do too Danny. Like wanda's C S Lewis quote in your last post.

At 9:57 am, August 16, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Hey hey, let me clear some things up here :)

By 'Kritique' I didn't meant that you were critical. The word 'critique' just means that you gave an assessment, and your assessment was glowing, and that's why I love you. Hang on, maybe I love you anyways. Probably should. Hehehe, yeah, the former and latter combined twixtwise.

Also, your reasons for not being lonely are perfect. If that's the way it is for you, then that's the awesomest thing. Hooray for God, and your family, and your character that you are blessed not to have that struggle (that's not to say that you are never sad about anything - "Everybody hurts... sometimes", or so I hear from a guy in REM :) I'm sure it's true. I'd like to meet the person who never hurt any time about anything. If they don't, then maybe even they should - even God isn't like that :/

Anyways.... RAMBLE! Deviantalk...

Megan, have you heard Nichole Nordeman's song "Legacy"? If you haven't, then I can tell you that I have found your favourite artist ever and you don't even know about it. She's right down your alley (music-wise), Christian, beautiful voice and songwriter, has the most profound lyrics I know of in a song and creates an incredible atmosphere with her music. She is truly amazing. check her out, dude (if you don't know her already). And that song :)

At 6:44 pm, August 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hey, let me clear some things up here ;)

By fainting at Kohl's Kritique, I was simply overcome by honour, I know. Even if I had have been critical, you guys are so good

And I wasn't saying my reasons weren't perfect, they still are applicable to me, but I was just saying that they didn't prove that I wasn't lonely. Someone can have all that I do and still be lonely, that was partially what your talk was about

btw, how good is that Ceiling fan guy, lol, "Loved your site. Bookmarked it."
Never heard something so brief, dismissive and insincere, I really did laugh out loud
And who the hell goes on a blog to find ceiling fans?

(twixtwase, hehe)

At 7:13 pm, August 16, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I've heard of her Danny. She's ok, but not my favourite artist. But I havent' heard that song.

At 11:39 am, August 17, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Haha... all this miscommunication. It's like an episode of Fawlty Towers. Awesome and awesome.

Megan! Not your favourite? Interesting... Have you heard the album "Woven and Spun"? Because that's the only one of hers that I have heard. Maybe that one owns the others that I haven't heard and that you have but not this one.

You know...

At 1:47 pm, August 17, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I haven't heard any of her albums, just some songs of hers on compilation cd's.

We are fawtly towers! I'm sure of it!

At 8:12 am, August 18, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Interesting, I agree with you about her compilation cd stuff. I heard "City on a Hill" stuff (with her in it) before I heard her album, and I wasn't impressed. Not bad, just not very good.

Could I give you a "sample copy" of her album ;)

At 12:04 pm, August 18, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Haha! ok!

At 1:28 am, August 24, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

I should probably get to that... I will I will! Just not so late...


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