Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dancing... YEAH!

Hahaha... I just came back from a period of dancing with Year 7 and 12 students and it was great!!! Everybody was having stacks of fun: laughing trying to get coordinated, laughing because we stuffed it up every two steps, laughing because people were falling over the ground, and then cheering when we finally got it right. It was such a good atmosphere in the class. I really got to know the students too, much better than I have teaching them English stuff (in a certain way and to a certain degree), and I think I've learned something really important.

Dancing is a fantastic way to dissolve barriers between people and create group friendship and solidarity. You are kinetically involved with people, looking people in the eye, solving a problem together, and, if the people involved have a good sense of humour and fun, you create a hilariously enjoyable place to be. Yay for dancing!


At 3:59 pm, August 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard someone say once, "I think you can tell a lot about someone from the way he dances"
I didn't agree at first because I didn't like dancing... but then I realised that not liking to dance told people a lot about me

At 11:12 pm, August 04, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I like a good dance, but as long as lots of other people are dancing too. It's a bit sad when just 3 or 4 of you are dancing... I once danced at a pub to a band and there were only 2 of us dancing. I sat down rather quickly coz I felt like a bit of a tool...

At 9:06 am, August 05, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Yeah, I kow what you mean. It's annoying when you try and get people up and they're all like "Nah, I can't dance" and "I'll look really stupid". The funny thing is, everyone can't really dance (especially boys, especially me) and everyone feels silly when they're doing it. It all depends on how daring you are in social environments - maybe it helps if you're an extrovert. But if you got a whole lotta people up on the dancefloor, and a whole bunch of other people who are dancing just as unco as you are, then it becomes oh so much fun. Silly dances are great too, like the "Mr. Bean". I love silly dances.

At 12:09 pm, August 05, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Haha peebody! Nice perception.... :)


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