Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Being sick sucks

Being sick is the pits. These are the reasons why:

1. Mucous. Lots and lots of mucous. Everywhere. Mucous mucous mucous. Even swallowing a multitude of tablets doesn't stop the nose from dripping like a tap.

2. Having to breathe through your mouth when you're sleeping, so it gets all dry and yucky.

3. Walking around the house not knowing what to do with yourself, because the tablet you took made you go all dimwitted.

4. The said tablet making you feel like your whole head is full of cottenwool.

5. Having Tuesday night mens tennis begin yesterday, which you haven't played in 2 years or so, and not being able to play because your body's full of cottonwool and mucous.

6. Aches and pains. How can every muscle in your body ache at the same time?

7. A headache that sits right behind the eyes and in the eyes, that doesn't go away. Ever.

8. Starting teaching placement next week, not knowing whether you'll be well enough to go (also not wanting to contaminate the whole school), and know that if you miss a day, you'll have to make it up later. When you're not sick.

9. Snotting so much that your nose goes all dry and cracked, and even when you stuff tissues up there to create a blockage, all the snot runs down the back of your throat.

10. Coughing.

11. Sleeping 16 hours a day, and feeling stoned for the other 8 because you've slept too much.

That'll do.


At 11:26 am, July 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few years ago i had the flu and i was out of action for 2 weeks. It felt like i'd been on a torture rack and had all my joints and muscles stretched beyond their limits. I was so weak that i spent a week on the couch unable to move. Hope you get well soon.

We won tennis really well without you anyway. Doubt it would have made much difference if you were playing as they were pretty crap.

At 11:42 am, July 13, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Poor Dbhoy! I hope you feel better super soon! It's a horrible feeling when you get the flu. But you do get to watch lots of bad day time television and lounge around on the couch. And have people bring you hot food for no apparent reason other than they think it'll make you feel better. I wonder if I could fake sick and get people to brign me yummy hot food while i'm bludging on the couch? Hmmm... a plan is hatching...

At 12:06 pm, July 13, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Well, Chrystal's at work, so it's just me here, either sitting on the computer writing blogs when I feel good enough to get up, or going to sleep somewhere around the house. Whenever Chrystal's here though, she's always bringing me stuff. It was a tablet, a glass of juice and a mug of chai tea this morning, at around about 7am (I get up regularly at 3.30am and 6.30am at the moment, so I can actually have a chat with her).

At 12:27 pm, July 13, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Um, why do you get up at 3:30am to have a chat with her?

Mmmmm.... chai tea. I LOVE chai tea!

At 12:46 pm, July 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dboy rules!

that is all.

At 12:49 pm, July 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally agree with anonymous here, dboy does in fact rule. I am so totally jealous of Chrystal.
- P.S

At 12:59 pm, July 13, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Dboy, are you being anonymous so it looks like you have friends?

At 3:14 pm, July 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, yeah whos this anonymous?

Why for you get up at 3.30. Thats a bit odd there dboy. Do you both wake up and say, hey its 3.30, lets have a chat. I can tell you if i woke up that early to have a chat i'd just nod my head and grunt. Thats all i'd be able to do.

Love that pic of you dboy. Everytime i see it it makes me laugh. How many pics did you take before you got that one?

At 11:14 pm, July 13, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

It certainly is a great pic! A very typical dboy pose! It captures you perfectly. I think I need a more interesting photo.

At 9:29 am, July 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a better pic would be if he had tissues up his nose at the same time, with the puffy eyes from the cat hair.

At 12:10 pm, July 14, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...


I have no idea who anonymous is! Either of them in fact. I must say that I am extremely flattered.

My 3.30 get up time is the time where I wake up drenched in sweat (because I've got so many clothes on, which I needed to stop shivering when I went to bed in the first place). So I take off all but one layer of clothing, go to the toilet, drink half a litre of water, and go back to bed.
Then I wake up at 6.30 freezing cold. I just can't win! That's when I have a chat to Chrystal, cos she has to get up at that time to go to work.

Hehehe... yes, it took me a few goes to get that photo. Probably about 10. It was always turning out with me looking like I was stoned. Like, really stoned. And out of my head. But then I struck gold with that one. I knew what I wanted it to look like cos I could do it in the mirror, but the digital camera had a different interpretation... :)

At 4:03 pm, July 14, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Cameras are evil that way. They have a mind of their own I tell you. They're all possessed! POSSESSED!!!!!!


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