Monday, July 11, 2005

It's My Birthday And I'll Post If I Want To

I had the bestest of times yesterday - a family lunch with the addition my inner circle: Paul Scott, Paul Joiner, Andrew Lewis, Matt Toohey, Alex Marriot and my bro, Mike. It was fully the bestest in the world. My mum (with the help of my lovely sister, Rose, and grandma, Mim) cooked a sumptuous feast of roast chicken, roast pork, and a fantastic assortment of vegetables (chief of these being Mim's famous roast potatoes - famous to the dickens!).

Among some really cool stuff (an awesome pen with my name engraved on it from Matt, and Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne from Alex - yay! now I can play on Battlenet!, the "Kung Pow" dvd from Mic, and some awesome clothes from my parents - great taste, my folks got), Paul and Andrew got me... THE DOOM BOARDGAME!!! It's ace! We had a battle (me being the invaders vs everyone else, and they won - first time anyone's ever won with the marines), and it was really fun. The great thing about this game is the teamwork banter that buzzes between the marines as they figure out tactics to outsmart the invader player, kill all the nasties, and make their way out of the base.
Expect a few Doom nights coming up.
I was taken aback by the generosity of my friends. You guys are amazing.

Anyways, I'm off to the dentist now. What a birthday treat! Hopefully he'll give me a filling!


At 1:42 pm, July 12, 2005, Blogger roya parsay said...

Its my life and I blog if I want to,blog if I want to....

At 2:15 pm, July 12, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I'm sorry I missed your birthday Danny! HOpe it was a fully awesome one!

At 5:38 pm, July 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And kill the nasties we did! Matt just plowed right through them. Didn't leave any for the rest us! "Oh look, there's 17 kills worth in this room, i guess i'll just aim my bfg at them and say goodbye!"

The potatoes were nice, but i enjoyed the crackly with pork! Thats right crackly with pork. There was so much crackly! I was in heaven. Mmmmmmm cooked pig skin.

At 10:22 pm, July 12, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Cracking is soooooooooo good! It's so unbelievably bad for you, but I love it anyway!

At 9:43 am, July 13, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Hahaha, you're all awesome.

Hello Roya, welcome to this thing what's here.

No worries Meagan - it was indeed a fully awesome one. Best yet, in fact. I love my family do's.

Hahaha, yes, Matt was El Nastio with his BFGness. I don't get it actually - he was leading even before he got the BFG, wasn't he? Oh, hang on, maybe not, cos he cleared that room with the BFG in it just before that. Man, we're gonna have some fun with that game. I just finished undercoating a hell knight, mancubus, pinkie and zombie just then, even though the black undercoat spray is making me cough even more. Idiot.

Mmmm... crackling. Wacko, hey? That the skin of a pig can be so scrumptious?

At 11:38 am, July 13, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

By the way, my name is spellt Megan. :)

At 12:01 pm, July 13, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Oops, I can believe I 'spellt' your name wrong!

Beg your pardon.


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