Wednesday, July 27, 2005

D.B.O.Y. Roles

Alrighty! Verily verily verily we need to define our roles!

Me: Evil Overlord

Paulus: Peebody, the hunchback sniveller.

revhead: Pastey, the loyal sceptic who should be more obsequious. Also Herr Doktor's apprentice, who is blonde and blue eyed. And female.

Meegan: Bruce, the hot bodayguard whose gender is unknown and who has a gun of sorts.

King Kohl: Herr Doktor, the resident mad scientist.

wandawanda: Awesome spy/assassin who is constantly waiting for a mission that never comes.

legendarychipmunk: And quote: "the one who makes bombs and blows things up and makes you bombs". Love it.

We do have a huge, evil monster thingy (actually several) for defensive and hero-trapping purposes, who are the evil, over-sized pigeons that Pastey has been assigned to clean up after for a week (they produce the most incredible amount of droppings).

And we do have an enemy: The Strippers, consisting of Kylie (the leader) and 'grrrlpower', her faithful and only sidekick.


At 4:47 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zielstrebig dringen ein General und sein wissenschaftlicher Berater in das Haus eines renommierten Superhelden erweckt der Oscar-gekrönte, taiwanesische Regisseur Ang Lee ("Tiger & Dragon", "Sinn und Sinnlichkeit") den klassischen Marvel-Comic-Helden auf der Kinoleinwand zum Leben: monströs, Mitleid erregend, menschlich.


I mean vunderbar!

At 5:08 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Ok, peebody, Herr DOKTOR has gone into Dr Strangeglove mode..

We'll dig him out of his gemeinshaft shortly..

At 5:09 pm, July 27, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

It means something like this:

A general and his apprentice (I think) go into the house of a famous hero like the OSCAR-crowned, taiwanese (I think) director Ang Lee ("Tiger & Dragon " "sense and sensibility??") the classic Marvel Comic hero on the cinema screen to life: monstrous, exciting, compassionate, humanly

At 5:12 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you speak germen bruce!?

At 5:13 pm, July 27, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Yup. Not very well anymore, but I try.

At 5:36 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet! I want to learn germen too. Was it hard to grasp hold of?

At 6:23 pm, July 27, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Well I did it 6 years at high school and went to Germany on a 3 month student exchange program. It is fairly easy to leanr more when you get the basics down pat and learn the grammatical rules of the language. I like German anyway. I don't think learning any language is easy though.

At 10:15 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you oh master for letting me join. I assure you my inventions shall be second to none

At 9:26 am, July 28, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Um, if it didn't work, then why did it blow up? Isn't that what bombs are meant to do?


That's the only German I know, and I learnt that of Mr. Fawlty.
Hehehe... looks a fair chunk of our team can speak German, so that will be the theme we go for. I was wondering which foreign, evil-doing, stereotypically terrorist-approving nation that we would go for. Our options were German, South African (apartheid got them that vote - check all the 80's action movies with the bad guy who has a South African accent), and Arab nation (pick one, any one) or maybe even Japanese (crazy kamikazes).

The other option is for us all to go different stereotypical bad-guy nations. A hotch-potch assortment of multicultural craziness!

At 9:54 am, July 28, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

I want to be a cross between Japanese and Arab!

"My rittre prace has rots of rovery corours! PRAISE ALLAH!"

At 2:30 pm, July 28, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Perhaps we could be an evil Swiss organisation. That's be unique!

At 4:25 pm, July 29, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Hmmm... I'm thinking that I'm leaning toward a multicultural evil organisation. For two reasons:

1. The Political Correctness line we can use on minority groups to convince them to join.

2. Herr Doktor and his assistant would have to change nationalities, and that would just be tiresome, to take a word from Shakimaru.


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