Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Master Plan

Ok, our overall and diabolical end is to conceive a way of taking over the world and ruining the company of McDonalds.

Considering I am the overlord, it would seem as though it is up to me to contrive the Master Plan. However, I have watched that many TV shows that I know that it is always the sidekick who comes up with the plan and the Evil Overlord takes all the credit. Then the plan doesn't work and the Evil Overlord blames the sidekick, and makes them scoop up pigeon poo for a week (or some such).

So, come up with something that I can take credit for and then blame on you.


At 4:55 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heil DBoy!
I haf bin vorking onn ze anthzems ov de nazions zat ve vil overzrow, mein furher:

"Dark corners suround me zehr every where i go, zay follow me and never are never goink away...

"Daak cornaas sullound me evely where i gho, day forrow me and neva are neva going away, prease...

THe darrk corner, they are being around me,, gooodnesss gracious, yes, they are following me, and are never ever to be going away

ARGHUOH OUIGH (repeat first stanza)

At 5:00 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lot are sickk, sad, eunuchs!! OBVIOUSLY.

I think Ludicroisity is an exploited, sad, example of oppressed womanhood, in her blue denim seccurity guard outfit and her GUN - male symbol of control and dominaation.

Leave this BLOG Ludicrousity! Join us womenn! We will fight these eviil ugly sad DORKS!!!!

LIBERATE YOURSELF from tyranny! You should be allowed to live!! You have so much to offer!! They call you a queen on yyour Site! here they throw labels and words at you...

Sing: Words can't bring me down...

SING: I am woman hear me roar.....

At 5:02 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with grrrllpwr! Join us Ludicrousity and together we can build a better, nicer, kinder, prettier world!

BOYS ARE GOSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOYS ARE GOSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOYS ARE GOSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOYS ARE GOSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. except for you peebody, you Are kinda cute! XXX
PPS. Meet you again, Peebody, same place and time!?

At 5:03 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Oooooo you be so smart and funny helmut. Any wonder your the apprentice to doktor kohl.

A plan to take over the world huh? Ok i will get right on it master. I will make you proud!

At 5:08 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, our enemy are trying to seduce me. Err..... i...... um....... i don't..... ah don't know if i can resist! Must fight urge to....... blush and go all........ shy.

At 5:10 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I try.
*Flashes smile that shows mouthful of perfect white teeth*

It was the first of my Harvard postpostpostgraduate degrees in national anthem writing and nuclear hdyronics

At 5:12 pm, July 27, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

YES!!! I'm going to throw off the shackles of evil overlord associated male oppression!

Der OEO,
I am a woman (even though my name is Bruce)! I am a queen!!! I am valuable!! Give me a more valued role or you'll lose me!


At 5:26 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is come time to see as to
what particular kind of evil overlord you are

Type 1
Are you the type who is dark, evil and brooding? Their voice is generally menacing
Those type come up with their own plans and don't care if their secretary Bruce leaves

Type 2
Evil overlords like this wear snazzy buisness suits and employ economics and political power rather than fighting. They will take advice from subordinates and thank them for it

Type 3
Or are you the type who are brutish and overly ready for action, like the king rhino from 'Babar'. They are always angry about something. They usually don't have a plan at all, but if they steal one from subordinates they will punish them anyway

Type 4
Finally are you the type that has a some what more high-pitched voice than most males your age and would steal ideas from subordinates and take the credit for ideas and will have the craziest plans
that smells most like you

At 5:38 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Type 4! Type 4! Master is type 4!!!!

At 6:21 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, type 4 - There is a touch of emporer Commodus (Gadiator) - but with less courage.

At 6:22 pm, July 27, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I'd like to see a combination of 3 & 4 personally.

At 6:29 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Herr Doktor und I hav been vorking on a cunning plan to overthrow - I mean invade - McDonalds.

Ve are vorking on ein quavter pounder.... ZAT IS VEGETARIAN!!!

It iz made viz Bean curd UNT.... SOYA BEAN exztract.

Yavol mein Fuerer!! Ven ze mazzes eat zis, they vil be revolted..

Mwuahaha ... All together now - saluting: "Dark corners suround me zehr every where i go, zay follow me and never are never goink away...

At 6:36 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Peebody!!
(breathless sighing and swooning)

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Peebody's cute
Iv'e got smoochies for you!

Peebody, you have so much going for you. Your hunch is SO like, manly.
Your weasly ways are adorablYOU SHOULD BE AN OVERLORD AND MASTER.

I hear Dboy is actually a *snigger*.... TRAINEE ENGLISH TEACHER.... Eeewww

At 6:58 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you Ludicrousity...
your first act of defiance against that male chauvinist pig nazi-pigeon fancier is this:

Post a picture of yourself defiantly eating a BIG MAC at madonalds....

Then declare your site an independent democratic feminocracy.

At 7:30 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaarrrggghhh. My resolve is failing! I cant.......i cant resist the charm of kylie for much longer!
(Yes, me be overlord. Mmmmmm i would be a great overlord. Not even master could be as great a overlord as i can be!)
*seeds of betrayal have been planted*

At 7:36 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very palpatine-eque, hmmmmm

At 7:45 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

quick peebody, roll 3d6 for Will where will is equal to IQ, cheat if you have to, roll a 20 sided dice!

At 8:31 pm, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous? the four types of overlord was by me btw

the plan to destroy McDonalds eh?

Tactically speaking, what about wandawanda and Peebody assasinate Ronald and Grimace

ludicrosity can stay and taste that new flavour of yoghourt, 'passionfruit and bruiscuits' (it tastes like carpet)

therevkopf could stay here at the base and stop our arch-enemies simply walking in here and trying to persuade our secretary/security with gun to leave

legendarychipmunk can stay here as well and attempt to make as many more versus for our anthem as possible, we might have great need of them later

Dboy, you may try and convince Jack the Hungary and King of Burgers to sign a pact.

I'll work on a drug to infect people with Ephebiphobia so no-one will be able to step inside a McDonalds again

At 8:57 pm, July 27, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I think I'll just resign myself to not getting involved but rather creating scenarios in my head where I am the most important person in the world and everyone bends to my every whim. That'd be more fun. Yes...

Beans?!! I said pineapples damnit!! I want a banana hammock!

At 9:42 am, July 28, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

Hmmm, yes!

We will sing our Evil Organisation anthem to the masses in many different accents, and destroy them with confusion and terrible singing!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I am the cleverest man in the world *high pitched voice with loads of angriness*

I've got just the script for us all:

"Dark corners suround me zehr every where i go, zay follow me and never are never goink away...

"Daak cornaas sullound me evely where i gho, day forrow me and neva are neva going away, prease...

THe darrk corner, they are being around me,, gooodnesss gracious, yes, they are following me, and are never ever to be going away

ARGHUOH OUIGH (repeat first stanza)

Isn't it ingenious??? Only one as clever and nasty as me could've thought up such a plan!

At 9:50 am, July 28, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

I have read your letter and I have to tell you (in my slightly higher pitched voice than for other guys my age), THAT I AM EXTREMELY FURIOUS!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE STANDING UP TO ME!!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! However, you raise a good point. And this is my plan: I will buy a piece of cardboard, paint it gold and cut it into the shape of crown *mad cackle*. Then, I will hold a crowning ceremony where I will say stuff like "Verily verily I say unto thee", and put the crown on your head, calling you "QUEEN!!!... of storeroom 12b" *manically hysterical sniger*. And then, you will think that I have promoted you and you will stay and be my pawn forever, and forever ruling over storeroom 12b!!!


At 9:58 am, July 28, 2005, Blogger Dboy said...

You used my word! Bruiscuits!! To the dickens!!!

Peebody! Resist the temptations of the weaker sex!!! Do not conform to their not-as-evil ways!!!



At 2:33 pm, July 28, 2005, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Dear OEO

I am highly offended by this transparent comical proposal of yours. I deserve to be treated with respect and given roles that more adequately reflect my abilities. I demand to be allowed to drink cocktails and sing karaoke on the job!
Yours sincerly,

The gender non-specific Bruce


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