My Blogging Experience
I was just thinking about how cool it has been in this past while that we have been blogging. I think the best thing for me has been seeing different sides of of people I already knew. There's something about the written medium, in the context of a forum-like jigger, that is different to verbal communication.
These are the things I have enjoyed different people:
Megan - I guess it's funny, because in a way, I've come to actually know you properly through this. Before I would have said that we were more acquaintances, but now I would consider you a friend. You are a clever, deep and caring person, and it to you I owe the thanks for introducing me to blogger in the first place. Oooo, I forgot to say that you're talented :)
Pavlos - Wow, I've known you for how many years? About 17 I think. And I have never seen you be so witty. Don't get me wrong, you've always been very funny, but in this time, and with this medium, you've shown a real talent for using the written word to make me laugh, and to make me think. I'm impressed by your ability to write too. For a bloke who didn't do Yr 12, I think you would find the transition to Uni study a breeze (if that's ever where you want to head).
King Kohl - Hehe... I've always known you to be the craziest kid in town, but here you've shown that you have the intelligence and understanding of your dad. You are a switched-on kid, Matty B. God's gonna do awesome stuff with your sharp mind.
Andrew - Actually, nothing surprised me here. I don't know whether that's if I know Andrew so well, or because of... I don't know what else, but... Hang on! I just thought of something that I wasn't expecting: you think up very funny and interesting titles for blog posts. Hehehe.... 1000 posts? Writing backwards? That's the best :) Otherwise though, you've been the deep, funny and random man I know you to be :) So random it's everywhere at everything I'm hungry!
Luke - you don't get a mention because you don't post on my site, and hardly ever on Megan's. So NNNNEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! (even though technically you did just get a mention).
Revhead - Where have you gone? I'm impressed by three things with you on blogs. One: your ability to make up a story with very little material to go on; two: your knack for elaborating on something that someone else is saying, but then taking it to an all new level of obscurity and enjoyability (evil overlord??? that was your idea!); and three: the fact that a pastor of a big church takes the time to contribute to the bonding of an online community - I like your innovative intellect, I like your desire to see things differently, I like that your mind is always buzzing with new and interesting ideas.
If I've forgotten you, just post and I'll create one. These guys above are the main players (ie. the ones who post regularly on each others' sites), so they're the ones I thought of first :)
* blushes gratefully, whilst looking modestly away, but really trying to make eyecontact with Dboy, whilst shuffling uncomfortably, but really lapping up the compliment, whilst trying to look modest, whilst wiping away a tear*
* slinks away off stage confused*
HAHA!!! Perfect example revhead of why we love you so much!
Thanks Danny! I feel so special!
*insert girlish giggle*
You're a special man Danny and I've really enjoyed this bloggiing thing. I have gotten to know people I already know in different ways, and gotten to know new people!
Yay for blogging!
And I've learnt that a grrl can be happy and content without being a spy, and vamp and without a boyfriend.And I DO want world peace and universal brotherhood!!
And I want to say SORRY for anything offensive I've ever said about lil legendary chipmmunk... I LOVE you, man!!
Come here you big rodent you!
*gives the lil fella a big hug*
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya.
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya.
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya.
Oh Lord, Kumbaya
*sways, beaming crinkly smile of universal brotherhood and love*
This is most deffinately going the right way for a group hug here
Come on guys, join in
Arghww, you big lug, dr kohl... come over here...
*headlocks and scruffs hair playfully*
*opens arms and looks expectantly at everyone*
Wow, it's amazing what a few touching words of love and admiration can do to a group that but a week ago was at war.
Congratulations Dboy, you've finally rebuilt your sharing and loving community.
oh yeah, crap
Attack ludicrousity!
even with her cool new avatar
Hey I've found the attack ludicrousity comment... I'll find some way to get you back!
"attack king kohl"
Oh yeah! Suffer my wrath!
Now where was I... oh yeah... GROUP HUG!!!!
Thanks everyone :)
Now that we're a caring and loving community, maybe we can focus on how to infuse the world with peace and harmony instead of plotting evilness?
I vote that our first move be to take down McDonalds. Perhaps through some drug which infects people with Ephebiphobia...
Maybe we could list the ALTERNATIVE uses for their Apple Pie?
If we so confuse people into thinking that these are non edible gadgets with other uses, we will like so confuse them...
101 uses for apple pie thingies:
- great for scrubbing your back in the shower
- excellent for scrapping the hardened dead skin off your heels
- Rat deterrents: Rats wouldn't come near your cellar if you leave just one unwrapped around!
- blocks to put unnder the tyre of your car
Hello tbabhajahabab! Where did you spring from? Or is s\that some weird acronym that really says therevhead somehow?
I'm assuming it is somehow. I think the apple pie's greatest use would have to be to sneeze into though. pies...I think blogging is fun...I don't what I'd do at school without it! All because I was bored one weekend and convinced my friends to join in...
Yay for blogging!
You can't work out what
TBABAHJ means???
On an antimac-post??
I am sooooo confused....
I have no idea whatta the thingy is meaning. Please explain.
T-he B-urgers A-re it out..
Haha! Good one! :)
Noice! And obscure to the frilliest Dickens!
Grumbly Dacks are the very best.
So are complaining pants.
I don't wear complaining pants any more. They give me cramps.
What about whinging long shorts?
They're awesome. They make me feel all, scrunchy.
Hee hoo!
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